Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Smoothie Love

How someone could live almost a half century without experiencing the daily magic that is a smoothie is beyond me. We are trying to become locovores, but draw the line at fresh fruits. Parker County peaches can only fulfill so much of our fruit requirements (although when Curt grills 'em with a little vanilla yogurt on top and a cinnamon sprinkling, one might think so).

Anyway, when I asked for a blender for Christmas I made it clear I wanted no variable settings, totally just on/off. Joel found the perfect one, a Waring Pro with 2 speeds, low and high. We commenced to enter Smoothie bliss.

We start with a basis of banana, V8 fusion, and fat free vanilla yogurt. Sometimes we remember to cut up and freeze the banana slices, but it doesn't really matter. On top of that, the fruit sky is the limit. Blackberries, peaches, mango, strawberries, blue berries, and pineapple have all found a place in the blender of serenity. We changed from fresh to frozen, it didn't seem to make a difference in the taste, and then you don't have to add ice. The 5 lb. frozen fruit bags from Costco seem to be the best all around. Curt will toss in some pecans occasionally as well. I am totally open to any smoothie addition ideas.

Smoothie Nirvana?

Recommended products: Waring Blender
Parker County Peaches


Erin said...

I am currently obsessed with Kefir in my smoothie. It's like a milk-yogurt hyrid and comes in delicious flavors, like pomegranate and blueberry. Adds flavor/texture AND some great nutrients.

Lori Sue said...

Kefir is now on my grocery list!